Cancer at Home Care
Learning that a loved one has cancer can be devastating news for the entire family. Your first thought may be to move them closer, so you can provide watchful care after surgery or radiation treatments. But many elderly cancer patients prefer to recover from the disease while living in their own home. It allows them to maintain familiar surroundings and stay in touch with friends and family on their own terms. All At Home can create a personalized care plan that meets your loved one’s needs for at-home assistance while managing an array of daily activities.
Our experienced staff of skilled nurses, therapists, health aides and companions can make a huge difference in everyone’s life and allows family members to focus on providing the moral support and encouragement their loved one needs. Throughout the entire process, we can help with complications or unpleasant side effects caused by cancer treatments such as pain or nausea, as well as manage household tasks like cleaning, laundry, meal preparation, bathing, dressing and personal grooming. When needed, we can pick up prescriptions or accompany your loved one to his or her doctor’s visits.
By providing the right mix of education and skilled services, moving your loved one to someone else’s home or assisted living facility is no longer necessary. Our caregivers can provide much needed companionship to ensure your loved one stays active, involved and living independently. According the National Cancer Institute, financial assistance to help senior patients pay for home care may be available from private insurance, worker’s compensation or public agencies like the VA, Medicare, TRICARE and the Older Americans Act.
For more than three generations, All At Home Care has provided cancer patients with skilled nursing, occupational therapy and trained companion care. Call us for a free consultation.